Artist Rob Reger’s beloved creation Emily the Strange is getting adapted into an animated movie by Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Bad Robot. The Emily the Strange feature film will be written by Moana writer Pamela Ribon, with Reger and his company Cosmic Debris producing with Bad Robot. Trevor Duke-Moretz is also credited as an executive producer. Warner Bros. Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures Animation made a joint announcement on social media about the Emily the Strange movie, with Rob Reger giving comments to Deadline on the project.
Rob Reger told the outlet that “both the creative and executive teams we have in place for the movie are incredible. Everyone shows up with a keen perspective along with an understanding and respect for the unique connection?Emily the Strange?has with our ‘real world.’”
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He also acknowledged that “Emily celebrates all that is weird and different, which in turn makes the strange and unusual in all of us, feel a little less alone. Bringing to life Emily’s universe and many mythologies we have created over the years is truly one of Emily’s best nightmares come true.”
“Emily is an enduring pop-culture icon of individuality and empowerment, and Pamela Ribon has a singular and iconic voice.?What an honor it is for us as Warner Bros. Pictures Animation to partner with Bad Robot, Rob [Reger] and Trevor [Duke-Moretz] in bringing?Emily the Strange?to the big screen,” Bill Damaschke, President of?Warner Bros. Pictures Animation, said.
John Agbaje, SVP of Animation, Bad Robot, added, “At Bad Robot, we are looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible in animation. Emily, a character who refuses to be defined by others, is the perfect opportunity to do just that. We’re thrilled to add her world to our feature animation slate. The team assembled has so much passion for?Emily the Strange, what she’s represented so far, and what she will mean to future generations.”
Emily the Strange debuted in the early 1990s across various clothing lines, stickers, and other merchandise. She would later cross over into other forms of media like comic books, video games, and graphic novels. Emily the Strange comics were published by Dark Horse, with the novellas falling under Chronicle Books and HarperCollins. Emily possesses the spunky attitude that a young woman of the world needs to navigate a world that often overlooks or underestimates girls.
Warner Bros. released an animated short announcing Emily the Strange. With Warner Bros. being the home of the Beetlejuice franchise, they may be the perfect studio to bring Emily and her strange world to live.